Residential propertity


Jau pavisam drīz šeit sāks pukstēt Hanzas sirds…

Līdz šim vērienīgākais LNK Properties daudzdzīvokļu projekts atrodas Hanzas ielā, līdzās Rīgas jūgendstila pērlēm un modernajiem Skanstes biznesa kvartāliem. Šī vieta sniedz unikālu iespēju ne tikai baudīt lieliskus skatus aiz logiem, bet arī mosties reizē ar rīta sauli un sauļoties dienvidu pusē izvietotajās terasēs!

Slēgta teritorija ar privātu dārzu, bērnu laukumiem un atpūtas zonām – šeit top patiesa oāze pilsētas centrā – Heart of Hanza.

Projekta realizācijas termiņš: 2023. gada ziema – 2026. gada pavasaris.

Kopējais dzīvokļu skaits: 127

Pazemes autostāvvietas: 127

A klases energoefektivitāte

Tūjas pie

Peaceful idyll by the sea. The green village Tujas pie Juras is located amid the quiet northern forests and near the seashore.


Redefined art of space. A journey of joie de vivre unfolds in this beautiful residential building Renaissance.

Street 7

The building at Audēju Street 7 was constructed in 1899 according to the project by architects Alfrēds Ašenkampfs and Maks Šervinskis.


Urban-green residential development. A fusion of the greenery heritage in Dārzciems with new and unique living space, Gardenika residential building is a masterpiece of contemporary architecture.


Art nouveau pearl with modern, business-class amenities. TWENTY upper-class apartment building is a pearl of Art Nouveau architecture, combining historical elegance and charm with modern comfort and quality of life.

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took